I really am going to have quite the set of illiustrations for a short story or light novel with the Save Point bomber crew girls, I really am. This... oddly comfortable illustration of a tousled (I wont say sexhair/sextail because lets be polite (cough)) Yakugashi sitting on the wing of the save point talking with... someone (I wont say who :). She has her glasses off, and defenses really down here. Yaku is one of my more interesting characters and I DO apologize for drawing her so much before shes really had a chance to stretch her legs in the MT comic itself (her part there is coming). I really need to work on being able to get darker tones in my copic work, thats really my next goal as i continue with this stuff. Its been over a month and a half since i colored something, and I wanted to get some practice.
26 January 2017
Yakugashi from MegaTokyo in the Save Point alt universe