The fourth in a series of character studies for Megatokyo characters, here we have Erika in one of her various jobs that she's worked on over the years.
Now, there are a number of things wrong with this image. One of them I'm sure even a layperson can spot, a definate no-no for anyone doing any mast climbing work: She's not wearing a helmet. Artistic license, please forgive. The other errors are all in the harness itself. I took some artistic license with the clasps and carbiners and fall protection stuff (another doh mess up - the line that is holding her up has the fall protection stuff (see the wavy lines of the bundled up strap that releases in a fall - that should be part of the slack fall protection line... well, at least i was thinking of this stuff, even if my rendering of it all is totally wrong. So, if you are a tower monkey or aquainted with climbing gear, please forgive the errors.
08 December 2014
Erika from MegaTokyo