An illustration from the SavePoint Bombergurls world series of drawings... This is a somewhat emotionally loaded piece, showing a to-do between co-pilot Kimiko and her Captain Miho. Kimiko is ... maybe struggling a bit, especially seeing that she is haunted by the ghost of Asako, who she was unable to save from falling from the damaged plane during a recent mission. Megumi, of course, is less than amused by this, and Ping, who is in reality the most senior of the crew (even if not in command) is rushing over to diffuse the brewing conflict. Yakugashi is leaning out one of the front hatches. There are some depth issues with this illustration and the whole thing is a little off, but it seems to be working well enough for my work. I put a lot of time into detailing Kimiko's torso tattoos. This is a work in progress that i really need to get back to and finish, rendering the rest of it will take a lot of work.
Last update was around 8 April 2020
Ping, Kimiko, Asako (ghost), Miho, Megumi and Yakugashi from MegaTokyo in the Save Point alt universe