Once again, one of the many background characters in Megatokyo seem to have no problem coming forward and developing as interesting characters when they just generally started as a character randomly added to a background. Like i've said before, sketching and drawing is how i 'write' and develop ideas, so this is just one of those drawings... DollGurl and other denizens of the Cave of 3v1l are busy rebuilding their shrine to the Darkly Cute one - Dollgurl here is manning a Total Station as they continue to lay forms for foundation walls. I'm guessing she's done and plans to move it because you don't lean on a total station once you've set it up, but hey, artistic license... that and i wouldn't want to get those bustled skirts caught on all that rebar sticking out of the ground.
05 August 2016
DollGirl from MegaTokyo